ACTIVE AND PASSIVE VOICE (Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif)
(Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif)
Mulai dalam pelajaran terdahulu sampai pelajaran ini kita
sudah banyak membicarakan tentang kata bantu to be (is, am, are),
must, can dll. Saya pikir Anda telah mengerti de-ngan keterangan-
keterangan yang diberikan dan barangkali Anda sudah sanggup
mengajarkannya kepada seseorang yang memerlukan.
Sekarang kita masih mempermasalahkan kata bantu itu terutama
dalam pembentukan kalimat pasif. Sebelum kita lanjutkan bagaimana
untuk membentuk kalimat pasif tersebut ada baiknya kita mengetahui
kalimat berikut:
1. Saya memanggil.
2. Saya dipanggil.
I am calling.
I am called.
Dalam kalimat 1, kita melihat awalan me- dan dalam kalimat 2,
kita melihat awalan di dalam bahasa Indonesia. Dalam bahasa
Indonesia, awalan me- dan ber- disebut aktif dan awalan di- dan
ter- disebut pasif.
Demikian juga dalam bahasa Inggris, I am calling disebut aktif
dan I am called disebut pasif.
Di mana letak perbedaannya?
Letak perbedaannya hanya dalam kata kerjanya.
Kata kerja yang ditambah -ing adalah aktif.
Kata kerja bentuk ketiga atau past participle adalah pasif.
Cara membentuk kalimat pasif dari aktif:
1. Pokok kalimat di dalam kalimat aktif menjadi penderita di dalam pasif, dan sebaliknya penderita di dalam kalimat aktif menjadi
pokok di dalam pasif.
2. Rumus: to be + past participle.
3. Perubahan tense (waktu) seperti dalam aktif.
Aktif: I write a letter.
Pasif : A letter is written by me. =
He hated me.
I was hated by him.
Mari kita teruskan menurut perubahan waktu:
1. Simple present
1. Ingat kembali pasangan-pasangan kata bantu to be (is, am,
are) dengan pokok kalimat. Dan juga perubahan pokok kalimat
menjadi penderita, misalnya / menjadi me, he menjadi him dll.
2. Ingat kembali perubahan kata kerja beraturan dan kata kerja
tak beraturan, misalnya: to hate - hated - hated; to write - wrote
3. Ingat kembali bentuk tunggal dan jamak dari kata benda atau
kata ganti orang. Kalau tidak, Anda akan mengalami kesulitan
dalam penempatan to be (is, am, are) dan was, were.
Saya menulis sepu-
cuk surat.
2. Present continuous
Sepucuk surat ditulis
oleh saya.
la membenci saya
Saya dibenci oleh-
Noun + is, am, are + past participle
I write a letter.
A letter is written by me.
Noun + is, am, are being + past
He is buying a car.
A car is being bought by him.
3. Simple past
4. Past continuous
5. Simple
6. Past future
7. Simple perfect
8. Past perfect
Noun + was, were + past participle
He hated me.
I was hated by him.
: They will polish the car.
Noun + was, were+being+ past
I was admiring this statue.
This statue was being admired by me.
Noun + shall, will be + past
: Noun + should, would + be +
past participle
She would sell that house.
That house would be sold by her.
: I have punished those children.
The car will be polished by them.
Noun + have, has + been + past
Those children have been punished
by me.
9. Simple future perfect
Noun + had + been + past participle
We had found your watches.
Your watches had been found by us.
Noun + shall, will + been + past
I shall have seen you.
10. Past future perfect
: You will have been seen by me.
Bila terdapat pokok kalimat seperti: people, someone, every-
body, everyone, dalam kalimat aktif maka by dan pokok kalimat
tersebut ditiadakan saja.
not to be used
not to be read
not to be paid
: Noun + should, would have +
been + past participle
I should have invited them.
: They would have been invited by me.
Bila di tengah kalimat
to be continued
to be made
to be given
to be held
to be bitten
to be caught
to be heard
to be sent
to be taken
to be stolen
to be chosen
to be counted
People love her.
She is loved.
Tidak perlu ditulis She is loved by people.
terdapat pasif, maka kita harus menambah to be
= diberikan
= digigit
= dipilih
= dihitung
tidak digunakan
tidak dibaca
tidak dibayar
1. Buatlah kalimat ini ke dalam bentuk pasif:
1. David rode the bicycle.
2. She cut my nail.
3. We are arresting the pickpocket.
4. I shall buy a new car.
5. Do you love me?
6. Somebody put the fire out.
7. Have you paid all debts?
8. I had found your wallet.
9. They will have promised me higher salaries.
10. Mr. Hermon doesn't trust you.
Perhatikan sejenak! Sebelum melanjutkan latihan:
Infinitive dan bentuk -ing bisa juga menjadi pasif dalam
terjemahan, perhatikan:
To be called a baby is an insult to a ten-year-old-boy
Untuk disebut bayi adalah ....
Being invited to the party pleased Merici immensely
Diundang ke pesta....
Demikian juga sesudah kata sifat dan kata kerja
It is sweet to taste.
Manis dirasa.
It's hard to solve.
Sukar dipecahkan.
She deserves to be praised.
la patut dipuji.
Apakah Anda masih ingat cara membuat kalimat ini ke dalam bentuk pasif?
; They looked at the woman.
The woman was looked at.
: He offered me a good seat.
pasif : I was offered a good seat by him.
2. Terjemahkan kalimat pasif ini ke dalam bahasa Indonesia
1. All of those boxes will be moved.
2. The composition was written by me.
3. The lamp is broken by my brother.
4. Is this book published by you?
5. I am invited to David's birthday-party.
Must this fence be painted?
7. The car is being polished.
8. He was elected Director of the Institute.
9. Mr. David will be visited by me next week.
10. He has been appointed a captain by the general.
11. Will you be promoted?
12. They have been barked by the dogs.
13. Has the lion been shot by you?
14. You have been vaccinated.
15. His leg had been hurt.
16. The money will be added to the picnic fund.
Arti kata-kata:
arrest (erest)
composition (kempesisyen) =
appoint (epoint)
vaccinate (veksineit)
= mencacar
Praktikkanlah bahasa Inggris yang Anda ketahui
tanpa malu-malu, dan jangan lupa bahwa bahasa
Inggris bukan bahasa kita.
Pusatkan kembali perhatian Anda pada pelajaran delapan
tentang my, your, his, her, their dan our.
Hafalkan kalimat-kalimat berikut sampai mahir!
1. My fever is gone. (mai fi:ve iz gon)
Saya tidak demam lagi.
2. My head is wet. (may hed iz wet)
Kepala saya basah.
3. My eyes are watering. (mai aiz a: wo: tering)
Mata saya berair.
4. My mother lit the fire. (mai ma: the lit de faie)
Ibu saya menyalakan api.
5. My watch has stopped. (mai wotc haz stopd)
Jam saya mati.
6. My belts are very long. (mai belts a: veri long)
Ikat pinggang saya sangat panjang.
7. My books are overdue. (mai buks a: ouyedju)
Buku-buku saya terlambat dikembalikan.
8. My dog is quite fierce. (mai dog iz kwait fies)
Anjing saya sangat galak.
9. My husband and I are honest. (mai hasbend end ai a: onist)
Saya dan suami saya jujur.
10. My village is very beautiful. (mai vilidj iz veri byu:tiful)
Kampung saya sangat bagus.
Mari kita teruskan dengan :
11. My mother and father speak English fluently.
12. My father often walks in the park for one hour or two.
13. My mother hit a bus, but she missed the tree behind it!
14. My sister, a commercial artist, lives in Yogyakarta.
15. My boyfriend met the prettiest girl in Indonesia.
16. My daughter said she would meet me at the harbour.
17. My boyfriend is so talented.
18. My grandmother has many wrinkles on her face.
19. My salary is only three hundred thousand a month.
20. My pen is out of ink.
21. My mother will wear a new blouse.
22. My husband and I feel tired and sleepy after the party.
23. My former secretary always did her work very promptly.
24. My mother shouted suddenly, "I've found the baby!
25. My sister will marry a professor of theology.
26. My wife has spent all my money.
27. My wife has found all my money.
28. My wife has lent all my money.
29. My grandfather's new teeth really look good.
30. My best friend helps me with my lessons!
31. My father gave me permission to go to the party.
32. My girl-friend served ice-cream after lunch.
33. My grandfather doesn't tell me a bedtime story.
34. My brother used to speak French to me all the time.
35. My mother takes me to school every day.
36. My shoes are all wet.
37. My dog is running across the grass.
38. My children would come home early.
39. My husband and I are walking along the banks of the river.
40. My daughter can improve her behaviour.
41. My wife always worries too much.
42. My father is a teacher of language.
43. My sister is lying on her bed.
44. My five-year-old daughter will be invited to a children's party.
45. Your boss answered the telephone.
46. Your future husband will let you work here.
47. Your dog has white colour.
48. Your pen doesn't work.
49. Your pronunciation is very good.
50. Your boy-friend is handsome.
51. Your manners are very bad.
52. Your father won't like your behaviour.
53. Your gift made him happy, I daresay.
54. Your watch is slow. My watch is fast.
55. Your turn to guess.
56. Your explanation is not logical.
57. Your digestion is excellent.
58. His coat is dirty.
59. His trousers are brown.
60. His brother becoming a popular singer.
61. His offensive answer stunned me.
62. His honesty and hard work is responsible for his success.
63. Her face is ugly for a small fox.
64. Her husband has lost all his money.
65. Her boss wants her to do some extra work.
66. Our teacher often advises us not to be ashamed to speak
67. Our village is in a valley.
68. Our whole family will go to Bali.
69. Our clothes need pressing.
70. Their children are very naughty.
71. Their salary will be four hundred thousand a month.
Arti kata-kata:
talented (telentid)
wrinkle (wringkel)
prompt (prompt)
behaviour (biheivye)
I daresay (ai de:sei)
stun (stan)
valley (veli)
= keriput, kerut
cepat, langsung
= kelakuan, perangai
saya berpendapat
= membingungkan, mengejutkan
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